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How to Keep Your Dog Calm and Tired Before Trick-or-Treaters Arrive This Halloween

by Megan Lehnig on October 06, 2024

Halloween is a fun and festive time of year, but it can also be overwhelming for our furry friends. With the doorbell ringing constantly, excited trick-or-treaters in costumes, and the hustle and bustle, it's no wonder many dogs feel anxious. A great way to prevent stress and ensure your dog stays calm during the evening is to tire them out earlier in the day. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to keep your dog busy and burn off some energy before the Halloween festivities begin.

1. Start the Day with a Long Walk or Hike

Kickstart your dog’s day with an extended walk or hike. Not only will this burn off excess energy, but it will also stimulate their mind by exposing them to different sights, sounds, and smells. The change of scenery is great for your dog's mental health and helps reduce boredom, which can lead to anxiety later in the evening. A tired dog is a calm dog, so this first step is essential.

Tip: Try to find a quiet trail or park where your dog can explore off-leash if it’s safe and allowed. The freedom to roam and sniff will engage their senses and help them feel more relaxed later on.


2. Play Fetch or Tug-of-War

A high-energy game of fetch or tug-of-war is a fantastic way to tire your dog out, especially if they’re a breed with lots of stamina. These games focus on physical exertion, but they also provide a bonding opportunity, making your dog feel more secure and content.

If you have a backyard, take advantage of the space. Otherwise, find a local dog park where they can run freely. After a solid 20-30 minutes of playing fetch or tug, your dog will likely be ready for a nap.

Pro Tip: If you play fetch indoors, opt for soft toys to avoid damage to your home.


3. Introduce Puzzle Toys for Mental Stimulation

Once you've burned some physical energy, engage your dog’s mind with puzzle toys or treat-dispensing gadgets. Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise, and it can help your dog feel fulfilled and less reactive to the evening's chaos.

Puzzle toys challenge your dog to figure out how to get a treat out, keeping them occupied for a good amount of time. This problem-solving activity helps reduce stress and prevents boredom. Look for treat puzzles, snuffle mats, or even a frozen peanut butter-filled Kong to keep them entertained.

4. Train New Tricks or Practice Obedience Commands

Working on new tricks or practicing obedience commands is another way to mentally stimulate your dog. Trick training sessions not only challenge their brain but also reinforce good behavior.

You can make this Halloween-themed by teaching them fun commands like “boo” (for play dead), or have them “spin” like a ghost! Practicing basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” will also give you better control during the evening if things get chaotic when the trick-or-treaters arrive.

Training Tip: Keep sessions short, around 10-15 minutes, and end on a positive note to avoid frustration.


5. Arrange a Doggy Playdate

If your dog is social and enjoys the company of other dogs, a pre-Halloween playdate might be just what they need to burn off extra energy. Let them romp around with a doggy friend in a secure backyard or dog park.

A few hours of playtime will leave your dog happily tired and ready to settle in for a quiet evening while trick-or-treaters come to the door. Just be sure to keep an eye on their energy levels, as too much excitement right before the festivities might leave them feeling overstimulated.



6. Give Them a Massage or Calming Activity

After all that activity, it’s important to help your dog wind down. A calming dog massage can help relax their muscles and ease them into a more restful state. There are plenty of YouTube tutorials or guides on how to give your dog a gentle massage.

Additionally, you can use calming techniques like playing soft music designed for dogs or giving them a comfy spot to rest in a quiet part of the house. This will help transition them from a state of high energy to one of calm before the doorbell starts ringing.


7. Prepare a Safe and Quiet Space for the Evening

Once your dog is physically tired and mentally stimulated, it’s essential to create a quiet space where they can retreat if the doorbell and costumed visitors are too much for them. Set up their bed or crate in a separate room with their favorite toys and a white noise machine or calming music to drown out the noise of trick-or-treaters.

Some dogs may benefit from wearing a calming wrap, like a Thundershirt, to feel more secure. 

By tiring out your dog before the Halloween festivities begin, you can reduce their anxiety and help them stay calm during the evening's excitement. With a combination of physical exercise, mental stimulation, and a calming environment, your dog will be more likely to rest peacefully while you enjoy the spooky fun.

Remember, the goal is to ensure that Halloween is as stress-free for your pup as it is for you! Happy Halloween, and here’s to a calm and happy dog. 🎃🐾